Levantine Lab Researchers

Professor Thomas E Levy, Department of Anthropology
Distinguished ProfessorAssociate Director CISA3
Co-director, ELRAP Project; PI

Dr. Mohammad Najjar, Visiting Scholar, Department of Anthropology
Friends of Archaeology of JordanCo-director, ELRAP Project

Dr. Neil Smith
Research Affiliatengsmith@ucsd.edu

Kyle Knabb, Department of Anthropology
Graduate Studentkknabb@ucsd.edu

Aaron Gidding, Department of Anthropology
Graduate Studentagidding@ucsd.edu

Ian Jones, Department of Anthropology
Graduate Studentiwjones@ucsd.edu

Sowparnika Balaswaminathan, Department of Anthropology
Graduate Studentsbalaswaminathan@ucsd.edu

Kathleen Bennallack, Department of Anthropology
Graduate Studentkbennall@ucsd.edu

Matthew Vincent, Department of Anthropology
Graduate Studentmlvincent@ucsd.edu

Matthew Howland, Department of Anthropology
Graduate Studentmdhowlan@ucsd.edu

Brady Liss, Department of Anthropology
Graduate Studentbliss@ucsd.edu

Craig Smitheram
Lab Assistant